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Frank and his Spooky Gang

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Frank and his Spooky Gang

Información del producto


  • Players: unlimited*
  • Age: from 6 to 12 years old
  • To play anywhere
  • Difficulty level: medium
  • Preparation time: 30 min
  • Play time: 1 - 1.5 hours
  • Printing: color or b/w
  • Language: English

*If there are many players, we advise dividing them into teams of 4/5 participants each and printing the game as many times as the number of teams. You will also need one device to scan QR codes (phone or tablet) per group.

Necessary materials:

And most importantly, one or more gifts (depending on the number of players) for the kids. You can choose whatever you want, candies, books, toys...


Frank Einstein mistakenly locked his friend Cleo, the Mummy, in a cryptex, a small box with a secret code, but he no longer remembers which one. He, regretful, only remembers that this code is somehow related to his best friends: Jack the Skeleton, Bess the Sorceress, Hector the Specter, and Bobby the Zombie and that the boys and girls of the human world are his only hope.

Besides being a very entertaining game, it is also an educational game.

This escape game includes:

  • Videos of the protagonists;
  • Mathematical operations;
  • Logic enigmas;
  • Creation of a magic potion;
  • A mission in which they will learn to recognize the sound of different musical instruments.

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